Pumice stones, foot files, metal graters...they're all alike - they just don't work! We never understood how a hard rock was suppose to make your foot smooth! That's why we made Sole-magic SOFT & FLEXIBLE. It actually conforms to the shape of your foot and with it's Derma Grit coating it will gently remove that rough, dry skin. It's even safe for people with diabetes. So, throw away those Sticks & Stones, all you need is Sole-magic.
We made it SOFT so you can make your feet SMOOTH !!!

Our products have been designed to work with the unique contours and skin conditions of the feet. The design of the Sole-magic Foot Smoothing pad came about because of the frustration with the lack of effectiveness in foot smoothing products. None of the Pumice Stones, Foot Files, or even metal graters could provide smooth results. This was a real problem. So, instead of being hard and inflexible like all of those other products, Sole-magic was designed to be soft & actually conforms to the shape of the foot resulting in smooth feet instantly...Problem solved!

YES IT WORKS!! They say a picture is worth a thousand words, well this one speaks volumes. This was after our customer used Sole-magic dry on a dry foot for just one week. There is no soaking or hours of prep work. You simply pick it up and use it. In less than two minutes your feet will be silky smooth. It doesn't get any easier than that!